
Commercial Law

Given the dynamic nature of the business environment, legal support in the field of commercial law is increasingly important for successful and lawful operations. Commercial law encompasses a wide range of complex legal aspects that regulate business activities, so consulting with experts in this field is of significant assistance in aligning business operations with relevant regulations, minimizing legal risks.

At SLC, we provide comprehensive legal services in the field of commercial law, supporting our clients in all aspects of their business. Our team combines legal knowledge with practical experience and ensures legal security and compliance, allowing clients to focus on the growth and development of their business.

Some of our services in this area include:

  • Legal assistance in the establishment and registration of all forms of business entities;
  • Legal assistance and advice during the restructuring of a company;
  • Drafting internal acts of business entities;
  • Legal advice on best practices in corporate governance;
  • Drafting and interpreting all types of contracts in the business sector;
  • Legal assistance in conducting company liquidation proceedings;
  • Legal advice regarding the protection of a company's intellectual property.

Insurance Law

Insurance law provides an important legal framework for protecting individuals and legal entities, as well as their property, from a wide range of risks, thereby reducing the financial consequences of accidents, illnesses, natural disasters, and other harmful events.This ultimately contributes to the security of individuals and society as a whole.

In order to contribute to strengthening the insurance law system as one of the main pillars of social and economic stability and security, some of the services we provide at SLC include:

  • Legal assistance in concluding and interpreting insurance contracts;
  • Legal advice on transactions in the field of insurance law;
  • Legal assistance in the collection of our clients' claims from insurance contracts.

Property Law

Property law is a set of legal norms within civil law that regulate relationships between people concerning property, including ownership rights and other property rights, possession of movable and immovable items, as well as the methods of acquiring, transferring, protecting, and terminating these rights. It ensures legal security and stability in market economies, ultimately contributing to overall freedom, economic development, and social justice.

The SLC team is guided by the belief that only those who are guaranteed that their property cannot be taken away are truly free. Therefore, some of the services in the field of property law that we offer our clients include:

  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the protection of ownership rights;
  • Drafting and interpreting contracts in the field of property law;
  • Legal assistance with the process of registration, pre-registration, annotation, and deletion of legal authorizations with the competent authority;
  • Legal assistance and advice regarding obtaining building and urban planning permits;
  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the expropriation process.

Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual property law, in the broadest sense, encompasses a set of rights arising from intellectual activities in the industrial, scientific, literary, and artistic fields. It is divided into 1) copyright and related rights and 2) industrial property rights. Its aim is to enable individuals to gain recognition and financial benefit from their inventions or creations.

With the intention of contributing to the encouragement of human creativity and the development of science, technology, and arts, at SLC, we offer our clients a range of services in the field of intellectual property law. Some of these services include:

  • Legal assistance in the registration of patents, trademarks, geographical indications, and industrial designs with the competent authority;
  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the protection of copyright and related rights with the competent authority;
  • Drafting and interpreting contracts in the field of intellectual property law (license agreements, technology transfer agreements, franchise agreements, etc.);
  • Legal assistance and advice in cases of intellectual property rights infringement.

Labor Law

Labor law regulates the establishment and termination of employment relationships, as well as the rights and obligations arising from them for employees and employers, ensuring fair and safe working conditions.

To contribute to achieving an efficient and harmonious work environment, our team provides a range of legal advisory services in this legal area, which are as follows:

  • Drafting all types of employer documents such as rules on systematization and classification of job positions, rules on work discipline, rules on performance evaluation, and awarding bonuses, etc.;
  • Drafting all types of employment contracts for domestic and foreign nationals;
  • Drafting other legal documents regulating the relationships between employer and employee;
  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the termination of employment on all grounds;
  • Legal assistance to foreigners in the process of obtaining and extending work and residence permits;
  • Legal advice on other labor law matters.

Administrative Law

Administrative law is a complex and dynamic branch of law that comprises a set of rules by which, in order to protect the rights and legal interests of individuals, legal entities, or other parties, as well as to protect the public interest, state authorities, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies, local administration bodies, institutions, and other entities exercising public authority are obligated to act when, by directly applying regulations, they decide and undertake other administrative activities in administrative matters.

Considering that individuals encounter administrative law institutions almost daily, the SLC team, by providing services in this legal area, strives to facilitate for individuals and legal entities what often appear to be simple and straightforward procedures before public administration bodies. Some of these services include:

  • Legal advice regarding all types of proceedings before tax, inspection, cadastre, urban planning, and all other public administration bodies;
  • Legal analysis and advice regarding the legality of decisions and acts issued by public administration bodies.

International Law

International law comprises a set of legal principles and rules that regulate social relations between subjects of international law.

Given the complexity and dynamism of international legal relations, legal support in this field is crucial for ensuring lawful, efficient, and fair operations on the international stage. Therefore, at SLC, we provide comprehensive legal advisory services in the field of international law, enabling our clients to successfully navigate the legal challenges of the global market. Some of the services we offer in the field of international law include:

  • Drafting, interpreting, and providing legal advice on bilateral and multilateral international agreements;
  • Legal advice on EU regulations and the obligation to align business operations with EU legal standards;
  • Legal advice on other legal regulations on the international scene and the obligation to comply with them;
  • Legal advice on issues related to the respect and protection of human rights, as well as the application of international humanitarian law;
  • Research, monitoring, and reporting on the state of international law compliance, as well as providing recommendations for improvement;
  • Legal assistance to governments and legislative bodies in aligning national laws with international legal standards.

Human Rights

Human rights represent a branch of law dedicated to the protection and promotion of the fundamental rights and freedoms of every individual and serve as the foundation of any social order. These rights include the right to life, security, freedom of expression, fair trial, right to education, and many other rights codified in various international treaties, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), or the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Aiming to contribute to the promotion of freedom, security, and dignity, SLC provides a range of services in the field of human rights. Some of these services include:

  • Legal advice regarding the violation and protection of human rights guaranteed by international human rights instruments;
  • Legal advice regarding the violation and protection of human rights guaranteed by the national regulations of countries that are signatories to international human rights instruments;
  • Research, monitoring, and reporting on the state of human rights, as well as providing recommendations for improvement;
  • Legal assistance to governments and legislative bodies in aligning national laws with international human rights standards.

Immigration Law

In today's intensifying process of globalization, the increasing mobility of people requires legal support in various matters to ensure the lawful, efficient, and humane treatment of migrants.

Therefore, with the aim of enabling foreigners in Montenegro to safely and successfully navigate the everyday legal processes necessary for their residence and work in Montenegro, SLC provides a range of services in the field of immigration law. Some of these services include:

  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the registration of foreign nationals' residence in Montenegro;
  • Legal assistance for foreigners in the process of obtaining temporary residence permits, temporary residence and work permits, or permanent residence permits;
  • Legal assistance and advice for foreigners regarding the process of acquiring Montenegrin citizenship;
  • Legal assistance for foreigners in establishing and registering a business entity in Montenegro, as well as legal assistance for foreigners in all other business-related matters of that entity;
  • Legal assistance for individuals and legal entities in opening non-resident bank accounts;
  • Legal assistance and advice for foreigners in purchasing real estate.

Sports Law

Sports law is a specialized branch of law that encompasses various legal aspects related to sports activities, the operations of athletes, and sports organizations. This area of law is becoming increasingly important due to the complexity of legal issues arising from sports contracts, athlete protection, sponsorships, transfers, and other matters affecting the sports sector.

At SLC, we understand the unique challenges faced by athletes and sports organizations, and we provide legal support to ensure that all aspects of their activities comply with relevant legal standards. Some of the services we offer in the field of sports law include:

  • Legal assistance and advice regarding sponsorship, advertising, and other sports contracts;
  • Legal assistance and advice concerning athlete transfers;
  • Legal assistance and advice regarding the protection of the rights of athletes and sports organizations;
  • Legal advice on compliance with international and national regulations in sports activities.